Sunday, 2 April 2017

Malachi's Surgery

We just wanted to give a quick update on Malachi's tracheostomy surgery that happened last Friday morning. We apologize to those who were waiting for this update!

The surgery to put both the tracheostomy and the g-tube in went well. Malachi went down to the OR around 7:30am and was back in the NICU by 10:30am. He started to wake up and look around as we walked upstairs with him alongside the healthcare team.
As the team was getting Malachi set up in his new bed spot, Malachi suddenly started turning blue. He stopped breathing and his heart rate started dropping rapidly. His oxygen saturation probe was not yet set up, but when it finally was set up it was close to 0 (it should be high 90s). The team called a code pink (cardiac arrest) and people came running from all directions to help resuscitate our son. We watched in shock and horror while our worst nightmare came true. The new trach was pulled out of his throat and an airbag was used to give him breaths through the hole. After about 2 minutes, Malachi started to turn pink again and return to normal. The operating team came rushing to the NICU from the OR and worked on putting a new trach in Malachi. They used one that fit a bit differently. 
When all was said and done, it was determined that Malachi was not sedated enough after the surgery and was moving around too much. This made the trach slip out a bit and was pushed back in to the wrong spot. The operating surgeons put a new trach in that they felt was a better size and made it more secure. Malachi has been sedated more heavily since so that the trach hole can heal. He has been stable since the new trach was put in and the healthcare team is happy with how he is now doing. 

We are so deeply thankful that it was not God's timing to take our Malachi from us yet, however, we often wrestle with the “why” questions. We are still very shaken and coming to terms with everything that happened and we can't wait to hold our little man again once he has healed a bit more. 


  1. Oh, Nathan and Jody, what an awful scare. So thankful it was all turned around. Don't waste time and emotion on what "might have happened", it didn't happen, and Malachi is a fighter. Rest in the comfort of the Lord, dear friends. Give it all over to him, your heart will be more peaceful.

  2. Thanks for the update !! Remembering you all often in prayers! Agree witg TBH - don't waste precious energy on "what it" and "why". It only sucks you down and there is no comfort in that !! This is the path the Lord has chosen and He is blessing you all!

  3. So scary... My heart breaks for you. So thankful that God didn't decide that it was time for Malachi to go home just yet. Praying you will continue to be strong in the Lord and in His promises.
    Elizabeth Smith

  4. <3 <3 <3 tears for what you are going through

  5. Oh, when I think what you as parents are going through I can only call on the Lord to give you strength from above.. He hears our cries..and He walks through the hard times with you.. You keep walking ..we keep praying..<3 <3 <3

  6. Couldn't have said it heart aches for you a fellow mom I couldn't imagine seeing my little ones struggle and Be in so much pain. I can only pray that God will give u the strength to trust Him even when you want to give up on it all....sometimes it's the hardest struggles and fights in life where we really realize how powerless we are. Remember they are His little ones...He knows what they need before even we do. He will do what is best for them and He will help you through it all.... don't know what else to say! I'm glad Malachi is still with us!!! I pray he gets stronger!

  7. Praying for you as you travel this road. God has a plan that we are not able to understand, Thankfully He is in control of all things!

  8. Praying for you as you travel this road. God has a plan that we are not able to understand, Thankfully He is in control of all things!
