Thursday, 24 November 2016

Days 15 and 16

It seems we've had more downs than ups these past few days on the NICU rollercoaster.

The doctors have been treating Liam's blood infection with specific antibiotics targeted at the infection, which they now strongly believe is from the sore on his belly he has had since Day 1. Liam seems less lethargic but we are now waiting for a second blood culture test to determine if the antibiotics are working. On Thursday morning, he was taken off the CPAP and intubated again as it seemed too much for his little body. He is doing very well being intubated and hopefully this is short term. On Wednesday, Liam also received a lumbar puncture to determine if the infection had spread into his cerebral spinal fluid (which is around the spinal cord and brain). The results came back late this Thursday afternoon and they were positive. The infection team believes that Liam had or still has meningitis which is an infection on the brains membrane. The healthcare professionals explained to us that what this means for Liam's long-term outcomes and development will be seen in the future and cannot be determined anytime soon. We are trying hard not to worry about this because we know it's in our Father's hands. In the meantime we are waiting for our sick little guy to overcome the infection and get stronger.
We are thankful to report that Liam's PDA causing a heart murmur is no longer heard by the nurses. We pray that the PDA will remain closed permanently and avoid the heart surgery. Liam also had a head ultrasound Thursday morning and we await the results on the bleeding in his brain.

Taylor was having a pretty good week aside from some bradys and swinging in her oxygen requirements and heart rate. On Wednesday she started spitting up more than normal and slowly over Wednesday night the nurses started thinking something was up with our baby girl. Seeing her on Thursday morning, we can tell she is not herself as she is lethargic and paler than normal. Currently, we are waiting for test results to determine if Taylor now has an infection. Doctors believe it's very likely and have already started her on antibiotics. Before the red flags started going up, the healthcare team decided to pull out her PICC line and feed her IV nutrients through her oral feeds. This is now unfortunate as Taylor's feeds have been suspended and she has needed another IV put in to give her nutrients. A new PICC line may need to be put in. Again, we commend our sick baby into our Father's hands. Taylor's heart murmur has gotten worse the last few days and an echiocardiogram will be repeated to determine if she should go back on a second dose of medication to treat the PDA.

This little cutie doesn't seem to have an infection but he had a busy Thursday as well since doctors decided to extubate him and try him on CPAP. As of Thursday evening he is doing extremely well. He may have his PICC line taken out Thursday night or Friday morning. He is our only baby on full feeds now (11.5 milliliters), since the infections set back the other two. Malachi's heat murmer is still audible but the doctors feel it is not strong enough to be of concern. They will wait to see if it will resolve on its own.
Malachi has had a better few days than his siblings, yet we continue to fervently pray for him too as we know that the situation can change quickly.

Thanks for your continued prayers.


  1. We will continue to pray for all your babies. Praying that the Lord gives you and Nathan the wisdom, strength and patience to endure this trial!
    Dave & Wendy Heyink

  2. Continued prayers for you and your three beautiful miracles. May God grant strength, comfort, and peace through the days and weeks that lay ahead

  3. Praying here too.... Wishing you much strength and patience as well. Thea

  4. We will keep praying for all of you! May our Great Physician guide the doctors caring for your precious babies and may He give you as parents much strength, comfort and patience as you continue on the NICU journey with its ups and downs. Jon and Sharon Kingma

  5. Ongoing prayers for all of you! God bless.
    💜💜💜 u.wayne & a.jane

  6. He will feed His flock like a Shepherd;
    He will gather the lambs with His arm,
    And carry them in His bosom,
    And gently lead those who are with young.
    Isaiah 40:11

  7. I can't imagine how hard it is to come into the hospital each day, not knowing for sure how your babies will be, and what the day/hour will bring. And to multiply that stress times 3! What a comfort it is to know that He carries these little ones in His arms. We pray for all the medical personnel who are caring for your precious little ones. We also continue to pray for you as parents, and for the grandparents. Sending hugs to you all.

  8. We continue to pray for all of you.. your three precious babies, you, Nathan and Jodi and the Grandparents as well as they try to continue their work under so much stress.. So good to know that our God has it all in his Almighty Hand.. Through His Word, we are " In the know"We pray for courageous comfort during this difficult time.. <3
